If you’re looking for someone in your network (or in someone else’s network) to help you take a different step in life, your career, whatever, maybe try Simplist.
Read MoreIn a TED talk, Dan Gilbert addresses the assumption that our lives change less and less as we age, that past a certain, mysterious point in our lives, things stabilize and settle down drastically.
Read MoreI have been a service-oriented professional for a long time, and I sometimes think I need to be available to everyone all the time. This was one of those times, and it was making me miserable.
Read MoreSo you did it: you took time off from your regular work, you shut down the reminders of what you usually do every day. You took a vacation. And now, you are preparing to go back to your typical routine. Here are some tips for that.
Read MoreMy client Baratunde Thurston and I devised an "unplugged" vacation strategy: 25 days without email or social media, and he wrote about what he learned about the value of unplugging in this article. Want to try it for yourself? Here are my basic tips for unplugging.
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